The Pivot Point: Insights Into the Workplace Revolution | AOS Interior Environments
In the past three decades, a series of revolutions in office design have shown us time and time again that it is more than the physical space. The office is a place where people come together to collaborate, create, innovate, strategize and execute. It is a definer of culture and a driver of brands. The COVID-19 pandemic has become a glaring pivot point for these spaces, presenting organizations and their leaders with an unprecedented opportunity to rethink the fundamentals of the physical workplace. How will we each adapt, manage and reimagine the office of the future? What will it look like? Do we need it at all?Workplace research group, DORIS, has set out to find answers to these questions, provide clarity and spark creativity with their latest study, “The Pivot Point.” Because 2020 made one thing clear: the way we work together is changing.
workplace design, COVID-19, pandemic, return to work, future of the workplace, interior design, architecture, DORIS, Knoll, DIRTT, workplace research
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